Paloma Kop


Here are some things I've been up to. To stay updated, subscribe to my email newsletter, or visit my now page!

Coaxial Summer Series

Coaxial gallery

I was thrilled to have my work included in the livestreaming program for Coaxial Summer Series on Saturday, July 11. The series continues every Saturday at 9pm PDT through August, and is hosted by Coaxial, a wonderful media arts organization in Los Angeles. Since in-person events are not an option right now due to the pandemic, this kind of virtual programming is even more vital.

📺 View Coaxial's livestreams: forum image

Some friends and I got together and set up a new discussion forum for DIY A/V things called So far, it's been a refreshing place to connect with friends and people with common interests, away from big corporate social media sites. It's hosted on our own server, and we also run a livestreaming server, chat, and video hosting platform, all using open source software.

🌐 Check it out:

Coronavirus/COVID-19 Update

Petri dish

There's a lot going on in the world right now, but I wanted to share a small update from my end. As you might know, I'm currently in my final semester of my MFA program at Alfred, located in a remote town in western NY. My university recently announced that all classes will be remote for the rest of the semester. The art building was shut down and I lost access to my studio, so I moved all my equipment to my apartment, and set up a temporary workspace in which to complete my thesis.

Our in-person thesis exhibitions were cancelled. I have decided to move to an online exhibition format — basically a site to allow viewing of my thesis work online. Although I haven't pursued web-based media as much recently, this is something I luckily have experience with, from working with The Wrong, Gallery T, and others. And in spite of the gravity of the situation, I am excited to be able to present my thesis work in a format that will be even more accessible to people regardless of their geographic location.

In addition to the show, our thesis work will also culminate in the form of a book. I am going ahead with creating and printing my books as I had originally planned. I will be sharing my book freely and openly in digital PDF form, but I also want to offer printed copies for those who want them. I'll be opening up pre-orders for the book in advance of their printing in May/June.

I am trying to decrease my dependency on certain social media platforms, so as an alternative way to keep people in the loop about my activities, I've created a newsletter/mailing list. In addition to updates about my upcoming online thesis show and book, I'll send occasional updates when I am doing a show or performance.

🌐 Sign up here: