Paloma Kop


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Recursive News at /'fu:bar/

Recursive News promo image

I participated in a livestreamed performance with some friends at this year's edition of /'fu:bar/ Glitch Art Festival! The festival is usually held in Zagreb; this year it is fully online.

Our performance was titled Recursive News and used 1990's broadcast video equipment to re-interpret cable access style news broadcast into an echoing void of infinite recursion. We streamed live from the Phase Space studio in Brooklyn.

Performance: Recursive News
Who: Paloma Kop, Andrei Jay, Allen Riley, Rob Yohe, Irfan Brković
When: Monday October 5, 2pm (NY time) / 8pm (Zagreb time)
Where: the internet

📺 Watch a recording of the performance: Youtube | Peertube

Talk and screening at Vector Hack

Vector Hack flyer

As part of this year's Vector Hack Festival, my work was included in a screening program on Friday October 2, and I gave an artist talk on Sunday October 4. This edition of the festival was hybrid onsite & online, taking place across three cities in Croatia and Slovenia from October 1-10. (Note that all times are in Central European Summer time zone.)

Screening: Signal Culture Series
When: 21:00-23:00 CEST, Friday, October 2
Where: Exportdrvo, Rijeka, Croatia and online

Talk: Modulating Material
When: 17:00-18:00 CEST, Sunday, October 4
Where: Deltalab, Rijeka, Croatia and online

📺 Watch a recording of my talk: Youtube | Peertube

🌐 More info:

📄 Full festival programme: vectorhack-2020-programme-RI.pdf

Interval II: Performance at Synesthesia

Interval II promo image

On Thursday, October 1, I did a live a/v performance at Interval II, an event combining music and video, sculpture, and dance, curated by Testu Collective and held on the open-air rooftop of Synesthesia. I greatly appreciate the organizers' ability to manifest a physical gathering while maintaining safe pandemic practices. It was wonderful to experience performances by fellow artists ÉMU (Maria Takeuchi), Impakt, Testu Collective, Yoko Murakami, and Will Atkins beneath the full moon.

🌐 More details:

View from Synesthesia's roof Yoko and Will with kinetic sculpture ÉMU performance Testu Collective performance Impakt performance My performance

Coaxial Summer Series

Coaxial gallery

I was thrilled to have my work included in the livestreaming program for Coaxial Summer Series on Saturday, July 11. The series continues every Saturday at 9pm PDT through August, and is hosted by Coaxial, a wonderful media arts organization in Los Angeles. Since in-person events are not an option right now due to the pandemic, this kind of virtual programming is even more vital.

📺 View Coaxial's livestreams: forum image

Some friends and I got together and set up a new discussion forum for DIY A/V things called So far, it's been a refreshing place to connect with friends and people with common interests, away from big corporate social media sites. It's hosted on our own server, and we also run a livestreaming server, chat, and video hosting platform, all using open source software.

🌐 Check it out: