Paloma Kop

Image of Paloma Kop in silhouette with video feedback patterns

Paloma Kop

Human Being Artist


I am an artist, software developer, and educator from NYC and Woodstock, NY. I recently moved to New Haven, Connecticut, but still visit NY often. I'm currently doing a batch at Recurse Center, where I'm building web apps and experimenting with code. In the past, I've taught art and coding classes and workshops, worked as a software developer and IT solutions architect, run community spaces both online and off, and performed live visuals and music at events and art spaces across North America.

This is my personal website, which I built from scratch with 11ty. I feel that personal websites and blogs are very important, especially at this moment in the internet age, when most online social spaces are controlled by large companies with anti-social incentives. I also run open-source infrastructure on my own server (such as an RSS reader and meta-search-engine) and use decentralized social media (find me on the fediverse as, and on matrix as

Other things I enjoy include bicycling, modular synthesis, yoga, meditation, and being in nature. I've spent time living in a yurt, a converted school bus, a camper van, and out of a backpack.

Third-person artist bio

Paloma Kop is an experimental multimedia artist and creative technologist currently based in New Haven, CT. Their practice incorporates electronic media, from analog video and synthesizers to digital systems and code, as well as drawing, print, and liquids. They are especially interested in feedback loops, recursion, self-organizing and emergent structures, and patterns in nature.

They received an MFA in Electronic Integrated Arts at Alfred University in 2020, and a BS in Visual Arts and Computer Science from Purchase College in 2014. They have shown work and performed at spaces and events such as Ambient Church (NYC), Eastern Bloc (Montréal), and Ann Arbor Film Festival (Michigan). They have done visiting artist talks and workshops at universities such as CalArts, NYU, and SAIC.

Available for Work

I'm currently in search of a new position in web development (front-end, full stack, design engineering, or something similar that straddles the creative and the technical). Feel free to take a look at my resumé, check out some of my technical projects, and get in touch!

Explore This Site

Thanks for visiting my little corner of the internet. I'm glad you're here. Feel free to stay awhile and explore.

  • My now page holds links to current and upcoming things, and small notes about what I'm up to.
  • An assortment of things I've made over the years exists on the work page.
  • Recent activities appear periodically on my blog.
  • My email newsletter is a space for thoughts, personal updates, and announcements about upcoming things.
  • The colophon contains meta information about this site.