MFA Thesis of Paloma Kop
Alfred University, 2020
During my studies at Alfred University, I developed a body of work called Space(time) Thresholds, and wrote a book about my practice and ideas. The work combines analog and digital signal processing with material-based processes such as light refraction, cymatics, ferrofluid, electromagnets, and other experimental media. The book considers how we as humans move between hybrid spaces, breaking down illusory barriers between electronic art, traditional media, and scientific curiosity.
The covid-19 shutdown disrupted the final semester of my program, so I had to finish my studies while sheltering-in-place in my off-campus apartment. I was unable to host a traditional MFA thesis exhibition, so I created a website to showcase my work, and did a livestream performance to celebrate the virtual opening.
The first edition of the book was a run of 120 copies printed on gray paper and bound by Liaizon Wakest in New Orleans, LA in 2020. I originally planned to print them myself, but I lost access to the university facilities due to covid, but thanks to Liaizon, we were still able to produce a run of handmade books.
After those ran out, I created a second edition using a print-on-demand service, which is still available.
Thesis Book
The full book is freely accessible as a PDF file. You can also order a printed book (second edition) via print-on-demand.
Here are some photos of the books:

Thesis Work
The following pieces are part of the Space(time) Thresholds body of work, and are gathered here as a supplement to the book.