Paloma Kop


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Performance at 6 Unusual A/V Sets

On Friday, March 22, I did a set at Secret Project Robot in Brooklyn, along with 5 other amazing solo a/v acts. This was an exciting show for me because it brought together a group of artists who each have a unique approach to audiovisual performance. The show was co-organized by all the performers around a visit from Helsinki-based artist and educator Derek Holzer.

Photo of me performing My performance

Collaborative Performance w/ Killick Hinds

On Tuesday 2/26, I did a collaborative a/v performance in the Turner Gallery at Alfred University with guest musician Killick Hinds. The show was accompanied by an artist talk for the Foundations students the following day.

📺 Video documentation of our set: Youtube | Peertube

Collaborative performance Collaborative performance Me performing Me and Killick after performing

Performing Media Exhibition

From February 18 through March 9, my work was installed as part of Performing Media Exhibition at IU South Bend Gallery, in South Bend, Indiana. This exhibition was part of Performing Media Festival, and represented an international selection of artists focusing on real-time media, including Christopher Biggs, Ted Davis, Mathew Schlanger, James Connolly, Karl Erickson, Sara Goodman, Debora Bernagozzi & Jason Bernagozzi, Kevin Kripper, Jonathan Gillie, Toby Kaufmann-Buhler, and myself.

A reception and talk was held on February 28, followed by the rest of the festival, including two nights of live performances.