2023 Year in Review
December 31, 2023

I've never done this sort of post before, but so much has happened this year that I feel a need to take one last look over my shoulder before 2023 is over. This year, I made twice the average number of posts in the "news" section of my website, because this year has been full of activities. Here are some of them:
Made myself a new artist website (this very place you're visiting now!) with hand-coded HTML and CSS; it took a long time but it was very fun and I learned a lot
Helped start Polyphase Portal, a cooperatively-run online educational space with our own self-hosted infrastructure (running open-source software for our website, video classrooms, chat, and wiki)
Attended my third vipassana meditation retreat, and finished a seven month, 200-hour yoga teacher training, which not only prepared me to teach others but also helped me evolve my own yoga practice
Left my corporate software development job of the last 5 years, and managed to scrape by for 8 months thus far without a "day job"
Side note: despite being part of a mass media conglomerate, my team there was small and scrappy, and we did some cool stuff together. Hats off to the great folks I worked with.
Left Brooklyn, where I've lived off and on for much of my adult life, and wrapped up Phase Space, which was run out of the basement of our apartment there
Bought a 1988 Chevy van with Andrei and spent 5 months traveling across the US together
Did 3 audiovisual performances and 2 artist residencies
Co-led 12 in-person video art workshops and demonstrations across the country
Camped in many national parks and other public lands, experienced many different biomes and landscapes; learned to identify a bunch of new plants
Returned to Catskill Mountains of upstate NY, where I grew up and then left 12 years ago, with a new appreciation for its vibrant forests
Started — and am still starting — a small business: Moon Ark Studio (with 4 clients so far and counting)
This year has been alternately fun, exciting, hectic, exhausting, and immensely fulfilling in a way I have not quite experienced before. And the way things are going, it seems there will be many more adventures in store in the coming year. Thanks for following along, and I wish you a happy old year, in the last moments before a new one begins.