Coronavirus/COVID-19 Update
March 18, 2020

There's a lot going on in the world right now, but I wanted to share a small update from my end. As you might know, I'm currently in my final semester of my MFA program at Alfred, located in a remote town in western NY. My university recently announced that all classes will be remote for the rest of the semester. The art building was shut down and I lost access to my studio, so I moved all my equipment to my apartment, and set up a temporary workspace in which to complete my thesis.
Our in-person thesis exhibitions were cancelled. I have decided to move to an online exhibition format — basically a site to allow viewing of my thesis work online. Although I haven't pursued web-based media as much recently, this is something I luckily have experience with, from working with The Wrong, Gallery T, and others. And in spite of the gravity of the situation, I am excited to be able to present my thesis work in a format that will be even more accessible to people regardless of their geographic location.
In addition to the show, our thesis work will also culminate in the form of a book. I am going ahead with creating and printing my books as I had originally planned. I will be sharing my book freely and openly in digital PDF form, but I also want to offer printed copies for those who want them. I'll be opening up pre-orders for the book in advance of their printing in May/June.
I am trying to decrease my dependency on certain social media platforms, so as an alternative way to keep people in the loop about my activities, I've created a newsletter/mailing list. In addition to updates about my upcoming online thesis show and book, I'll send occasional updates when I am doing a show or performance.
🌐 Sign up here: